What are the main differences between programs?

Below you can see what are the main differences between earning an Adult High School diploma and HISET®. Remember that to enroll in any Adult Education program you need to be 17 years old or older, and not enrolled in a High School program. 

"What type of credential would I get?"

Adult High School Diploma  

This diploma is the equivalent of a High School diploma. 


You earn a certificate of High School Equivalency.

"Where can I use my credential for?

Adult High School Diploma & HISET® 

Both your Adult High School diploma and HISET® certificate are valid for: 

–  entering colleges and universities.

–  entering the workforce.

If you are interested in pursuing college afterwards, you can access the Maine Free College Scholarship with both credentials. 

"What would work best for me?"


Adult High School Diploma

Depending on the number of credits you earned in previous experiences, getting your Adult High School diploma might vary. This program is attendance driven, so to earn credit you need to come to class. 



With this program, you are studying at your own pace to pass 5 tests. To support your study, you can join HISET® prep. times with a teacher, and work by yourself in the HISET academy (an online platform).